Welcome to International Centre for Integrated Development Research

International Journal of Engneering and Mathematical Intelligence


Volume 5 Number 1 & 2, August 2018


The International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence, an academic and professional journal is committed to the publication of high quality, original and problem solving oriented research manuscripts with emphasis on all areas of Engineering, Technology, Pure and Applied Mathematics as well as engineering and mathematical analysis, practice and application as they focus on the problems confronting the emerging global society. The articles in this journal are contemporary, innovative and written in scholarly acceptable English, which have pooled and integrated required information from personal experiences, researches, professionals’ publications and academic sources as well as contribute meaningfully to the development and advancement of knowledge. The findings are described in terms intelligible to professional and non-professional as well as expert and non-expert readers.

Our Mission
To foster and conduct research of all ramifications that benefits will be derived and contributions made to the development and advancement of knowledge of the people of the third world nations as well as the developed nations.

The journal invites articles and book reviews from academics, researchers and practitioners from developing and developed nations. Manuscripts are accepted for publication after a double-blinded refereed peer review. They should be sent electronically to review@icidr.org or icidresearch@gmail.com.

The views, facts and opinions expressed in this Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect that of the publishers, editors, agents and International Centre for Integrated Development Research.

The Journal is copyrighted. Any material in the Journal may be freely quoted with due acknowledgement. Permission to reproduce articles from the Journal is not required for commercial purposes. The Journal is also available in website: http://www.icidr.org/ijemi.php.


Print copies are available and at discounted rate to members of International Centre for Integrated Development Research and its affiliates (details available on request). All correspondence and enquiries as regards subscription and order should be addressed to:
          The Journal Administrator
          International Centre for Integrated Development Research
          #3, Alderton Road
          P. O. Box 456, Ikot Ekpene, 530001
          Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
          E-mail: icidresearch@gmail.com